Thursday, April 13, 2017

About Medicine

By Kusma Gongba
9 February 2017

Today we found out that one of our chickens had a leech. We were lucky as Shaswat’s mom and dad are vets and we took our chicken there to get treatment. We got into the van.  We dropped Bhawana ma’am, Bhagwati ma’am, Prathamesh and Vidheha at the zoo. Where as Abin, Nitya, Neeva, Utkrishta, Shaswat Susmita and me went to take class with shashwat’s father.

After we dropped them off at the zoo we kept going until we reached Shaswat’s father’s office. While we were still in the van and going to the office we realized that we did not take the money for the medicine so we called pallav sir and asked him what to do but we couldn’t hear a word he said so we had to use the money Palista ma’am had with her. After we got to Shaswat’s father’s office we walked in the building and went to his room he was talking to someone when we reached his room.

At first we could not talk to each other since we were very nervous. But after a while of silence Nitya started to ask him questions. He asked him how did the leech get into the chickens body he said it may had gone through the wound or it may had eaten some dirty food that may had leeches in it. He took notes of what he said. He gave us two kinds of medicine that we could give to the chicken. The medicines names were wormizole and lemizole. Shaswat’s father also gave us one chocolate and one packet of chips each to eat. We were very thankful to him for giving us those things.

He told us that one packet of lemizole which was 300 gram could cure 100 chickens and we could give the lemizole to chickens and ducks only. But you could give the wormizole to the chickens, ducks, cows, rabbits etc.  if any of our other animals get leeches. Give it to them by nicely kneading the medicine and rice and then give it to them to eat. And if they eat too much meat they must eat the medicine more often.

He added that before in taking medicine the chicken must not be given water before 2 hours. We are to give them the medicine once in 45 days. After one hour of talking about the medicine like when do we give it to them how do we feed it to. We then headed back to our school.

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