Friday, December 21, 2018

Making play dough

by Shila Shrestha

Today we are trying to make play dough. This is my first time though others have done it before. First we watched some videos on YouTube and Pallav sir taught us how to make play dough.


Then we went to the kitchen. We discussed what to do with each other. Anita didi brought all the things that we need together. Pallav sir put warm water into the bowl and he also put flour into the bowl.


We also talked about the words flour, dough, and knead.

We mixed the dough turn by turn. We added some flour and some salt and oil. Pallav sir cut four pieces and he gave each of our groups one piece each.


Anita didi was the lead for Sama’s Serpents and they got one piece of dough. Sanket dada was the lead of the Extreme Van Goghs and they got one piece of dough. I am the lead of Da Vinci Dynamites and I had one piece of dough. Today Utu dada was absent so he could not lead Devkota’s Eagles. We took the kids in his group into ours so there was no Devkota’s Eagles group today.


We had a choice of four food colors to use for the play dough: there were Red, Green, Yellow and Brown. We did an Inky, Minky Ponky game and Sama’s Serpents got green, Extreme Van Goghs got yellow, Devkota’s Eagles got brown (maybe they will get to make the brown play dough when Utu dada is back) and my group Da Vinci Dynamites had red color.


We make deep hole in the middle of the dough that was given to us and we put food color inside. Because we had four pieces of the dough, we left one white.


It was quite hard to make the color mix well. First it was just white and a colored spot and then it would not mix well.


After kneading and kneading, we had a great balance in color. Because we did not want the play dough to dry out, we put the dough in plastic bags and made them air tight.


I felt that making play dough for the first time was really nice. Pallav sir said, “Great work,” to us and Anita didi took very nice photos.

We tried out the play dough, it was very good play dough. We made a bridge and I also made a baby’s milk bottle. Anita didi made a pig that was very nice. We want to make many things with the play dough this winter holiday at Spiny Babbler Evolution.


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