by Shila Shrestha
Today we went to play flute again. This time we went to the Krishna Mandir and the areas nearby. Kashi, Anita didi, Swosti, Utu dada, Vidheha, Krit, Sabita didi, Vidheha's grandmother and I were there. Anita didi, Vidheha and I played the flute, Utu dada played the madal and Swosthi played the violin.
Swosthi plays the really nice. It was so sunny and hot. We started with the national anthem. We played other songs like the Mangal Dhoon. We had already practiced these songs in morning. Many people took videos and photos of us. Small kids and old people also listened to us.

We went to another location and people listened and said that our music was beautiful. We played different fun songs. Tourist came by and watched us and too videos and photos. After wrapping up, we went and bought vegetable saplings because we try and grow our own vegetables. We had a great day.
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