Friday, July 27, 2018

We made puri!
* because of danger of possible hot oil burns, the children were not allowed to be a part of the puri frying process

We made super tasty puri and ate them too!

Chuntu at 3 made many puris but this was the one that was approved for cooking and taking home to share with her parents. 

Snigdha is our resident puri making expert. 

Prabiiiiir is a love. He makes the best puri and when he puts it on the nanglo, he turns it into a momocha!

Ok, ok, here, I will make anudder one better than that!

The boys are champs here. Bishes is the puri making teacher even.

See Sanket make puri, and see Suprit do amazing things with a round ball of dough. 

After learning geometry making triangles, quadrangles, pentagons, hexagons, septagons, octogons, and nonagons and new shapes previously unknown to geometry, Suprit makes the roundest puri ever made in the history of Spritisanicity.

Vidheha and Chuntu are hard working. 

Bishes teaches everyone how to use flour so unstickyfy the puri but then ends up using toooooo much. 

Oooo lalala Chuntu is worried. WHY are you taking the puri away. To FRY? You will destroy my perfect puri she says. 

Snigdha's wonderful puri. 

Prabir makes perfect.

Roll roll roll your dough.

And roll roll roll some more. 

Aarambha has made all those puris? Wow, Go Aarambha Go!

Bishes and Vidheha at work. 

Anika and Anna are all ready to eat the puris Aarambha and friends made. 

Yum Yum Yum puri.

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