Sunday, November 19, 2017

Art Explorations
by Utkrishta Mulmi


Eena makes artwork based on the creation of Clemente. 
"Akure" from the New York Museum, 1993. Pastel on paper. 40x28 inches. 

We occasionally test what we have learned in visual art. We have looked at famous artist’s artwork like Clemente, Francis Bacon, da Vinci, and Michelangelo. We have studied and made portraits, landscapes, still life, experimental artwork and even helped set up the Spiny Babbler Art Gallery. 


Self-portraits by Vidheha, Amulya, and Teena.

The art test was really interesting for me, not like a test at all. First we had to make a portrait of ourselves. We had seen the self-portraits of Clemente and Francis Bacon, Da Vinci and Michelangelo had also done these. It took 30 minutes for us to make a self-portrait. Pallav sir told us that we could take time and make it good. Da Vinci took 13 years on and off to finish the “Last Supper”, he said.

da Vinci's "Female portrait" redone by Utkrishta Mulmi.
Then we had to rework a picture made by one of the famous artists we had studied. Each group got a book to study and every individual had to choose an artwork that they wanted to rework. I had da Vinci and he had drawn a lady in a forest.  It was called “A female portrait,” life size, 37 cm, now at the National Gallery in Washington.


Ashoka stupa of Lagankhel by Bishes and Vidheha.

Next we were required to do a landscape artwork of the Ashok stupa we had visited, read poetry at, made live art a few weeks ago. Everyone made different renditions of the stupa. Landscapes like hills and mountains that we see when we go on hikes helped me as well as cityscapes when we go on cultural walks.


Then we made still life artwork looking upon three sets that were prepared by Palistha ma’am. One team got basketball hoop and different balls and boxing gloves; another got fruit set upon the round table; and the third group got a pile of pencils.

Ashok stupa of lagankhel by Amulya and Utu.
Below, still life study both by Amulya.


I, Amulya and Shila drew the boxing gloves and two balls with a basketball hoop; Anita and Bishesh drew the fruit and the rest of them drew pencils. Then came the puzzle, we had to guess which artist did which artwork. That was not really hard because everyone had distinct styles that we had been studying for the past two months. Michelangelo made artwork on ceilings and walls; Clemente and Francis Bacon had similar sort of styles so that needed some thought; while da Vinci were similar to Michelangelo but since Mona Lisa was the image, that was easy.

Self-portrait by Utkrishta Mulmi.

Francis Bacon artwork "Study for portrait" to the left redone by Anita.

Vidheha's remake of a Clemente artwork. Anita's self-portrait.


Bishesh make a self-portrait and a remake of Bacon's artwork.


Eena Shrestha self-portrait, Amulya's da Vinci "Female portrait."


Bacon artwork remake by Teena and the Ashok stupa by Shila.


da Vinci remake by Shila. Original on the left.

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