Thursday, June 8, 2017

Spending holiday!

By Anita Bhattrai

In today’s class, in order to break the ice, we clapped our hands to get active. Then everyone was smiling and laughing then the class was lively. Then we talked about what we did yesterday for a minute. Tara ma’am then said that today we are doing theatre and acting. We were divided into 2 groups and we were given 10 minutes to come up with the topic for our role-play.  Then we were asked to write our story and later we had to act on it. My team’s story was about super girl who saves her friends from earthquake.

From Tara ma’am
continue with the role play (today only girls who stay here, because holiday)

·      Clap circle
·      Talk about yesterday and try to continue
·      Build little groups and start to create a role (good for self- empowerment)
·      After 15-20 minutess the groups should be finished (every teacher help one group)
·      Every group should create a little roleplay. No rules, just creative
·      After both groups finished, feedback round (what was good? What did I understand of the story? what they can be done to make better next time?)
·      We picked one character for example boxer, super girl etc. and discribe this person in a mindmap
·      Learning how to describe diffrent roles and characters
·      In the end goodbye round, everybody say with name goodbye to the two persons next to her

This lesson was very good for the girls to increase their self- confidence. I saw them the first time laughing from deep inside. It was a private envoirment, so they could come out from their shyness and play with somebody else.

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