Monday, January 9, 2017

Mo: mo making

by Abin Rai
edited by Nitya Poudel
6th January 2017

We made mo: mo today. I was very excited because we were going to make mo: mo after 3 months. We made mo: mo when Jonathan Riesman visited us last time. I love making mo: mos. My grandmother taught me how to make mo: mos.

 I have taught my friends to make momos. Kusma, Susmita, Utkrishta and Nitya now knows how to make momo. Kusma learned it very fast and now she can make mo: mo just like mine. There are usually two regular shape of mo: mo. Some people make circular mo: mo but I like making crescent mo: mos. 
All of my friends like crescent shaped mo: mos. Yesterday I and Kusma made mo: mos. We had already made the mince meat ready a night before. We made the dough ready in the morning and when we started making momo in the afternoon. Susmita and Shaswot helped us.

 First we spread the dough and then cut the dough into circle shapes using steel glass. Then we put mince meat in the small circular dough. After that we made shapes and put it in the steamer. We made enough momos and put the steamer on fire so it gets cooked. When you take the layer of the steamer out the delicious cooked momos are made. When we were making my friends came down for snacks. 

We made mo: mos for more than one hour and I enjoyed making mo: mos. I made more than 150 mo: mo. When I ate the mo: mo it was delicious. It was the best mo: mo I had ever made. I like eating mo:. A mo with pickle but Utkrishta likes it with tomato sauce as he does not like spicy pickle. I want to make mo: mos again. Pallav sir says that he has never seen a mo: mo shape like my mo: mos and I was really flattered. 

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